In line with its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative, Arkema has decided to set up a “salary rounding” scheme for its employees effective February 2018, in France initially. Under the scheme, every employee who has elected to do so, will be able to donate the “euro cents” of their salary to an association.

As a token of joint solidarity, Arkema will match those “euro cent” donations also for the benefit of the associations (e.g. if an employee donates 10 cents, Arkema will donate an additional 10).

To date, six associations have been selected that will benefit from Arkema’s salary rounding scheme. These associations operate in a number of areas in which Arkema is already involved, such as water management, education, equal opportunities, and disability.

Since 2004, this association has been installing water stations in the world’s poorest regions in order to provide drinking water to local people.

Since 2006, Nos Quartiers ont du Talent has been supporting young graduates from modest backgrounds in their search for employment. They are assisted by a professional sponsor in this endeavor.

With a professional tutor (a volunteer employee from a partner company) and an educational adviser from the pupil’s school, the French Télémaque association assists deserving young people from modest backgrounds as soon as they attend secondary education.

Set up in 1933, the Association des paralysés de France supports the integration of disabled people and defends their rights, while raising public awareness of disability issues.

Handi’Chiens trains and provides companion dogs free of charge to children and adults who have a mobility impairment and/or suffer from a psycho-behavioral disorder.

Secours populaire français intervenes in France as well as around the world by helping provide food and clothing, access to housing and to care, assistance with socio-professional integration, access to culture and, more generally, access to rights for everyone.
