Béatrice, logistical technician

What has been your career path?

I trained as an accountant. I worked for five years as an internal auditor in various different companies before joining Arkema in 2000 as a product technician.

What is your job about?

Logistical technicians take care of the products and the customer. They manage the manufacturing schedule, the product packaging, process orders, and manage quality control and after sales service. On the one hand they are the link between the lab and the production units, and on the other, with the customer.

What skills does your job require?

You have to be autonomous, responsive, methodical, and customer-focused. Furthermore, because the plant where I work is small, I have to be versatile. I can find myself working at the counter or doing truck control!

What is your typical working day like?

The work doesn't follow a routine, it puts me in contact with sales assistants, haulage companies, other plants, and customers. I move around the plant taking inventories, speaking with the packaging managers, and so on.

What do you like about your job?

I like the unpredictability of the day-to-day work and the problem-solving aspect. I enjoy real autonomy in my work and have variable working hours.

What do you like about Arkema?

The company recognizes diplomas and offers mobility to all Group employees. Speaking of which, my request to transfer to the Pierre-Bénite plant was recently accepted!

Is there a particular memory from your job that stands out?

I took part in the Ambition project, which was aimed at standardizing the IT systems across all of our locations. Over the course of a year, I traveled to the headquarters and various locations to think about how to redesign the system, and again when it was time to start up the new system. It was a great experience and I met lots of new colleagues!

One of your qualities and one flaw?

A good mood - I demand it!

Do you have a working motto?

I come to work singing, because I love my job!
