Fatima, customer credit analyst

What has been your career path?

I studied economics at university. Before coming to Arkema in 2005, I had various positions as an assistant (in project management, sales, sustainable development, administration, database management) in other big companies. Then I joined Arkema as a customer credit analyst.

What is the function of your position?

The function of the job is to secure as much as possible of the company's goods in process by helping the business units with their sales. We have to prevent the risk of defects for the customers and help the BUs to grow their business, as well as dealing with debt recovery. I also have to ensure the reliability of the information in our systems (credit limits, insurance coverage).

What do you like about your job?

I like the variety of tasks and the great deal of contact that I have with the BUs. I also like the autonomy that I'm given in my work. Lastly, I have the sense of being useful to others. And all this provides me with opportunities for advancement in Arkema!

What skills does your job require?

Personally, I think you have to be naturally curious, and to like economics and working with numbers! You need knowledge of finance to be able to read and understand a balance sheet. Lastly, you need a lot of qualities, such as thoroughness, flexibility, a sense of diplomacy, an analytical mind, to be responsive, and above all to be service-minded and team-oriented in the broader sense!

What do you like about Arkema?

Since I joined the company, it has continued to grow. Furthermore, I feel like solidarity is more than just an idea in Arkema, it is a reality.

Is there a particular memory from your job that stands out?

The departments organize dinner parties in unusual places. In particular, I remember one in a bowling alley with the entire finance department. I enjoy those occasions when we meet outside of a professional context!

One of your qualities and one flaw?

Helpful but stubborn!

Do you have a motto in your work or life in general?

"Where there's a will there a way!"

Finance - Audit - Accounting

The Accounting and Management Control Department produces the consolidated accounts that form an essential part of the company's annual report and registered reference document.

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