Philippe, employment / human resource planning technician

What has been your career path?

I was hired at the Pierre-Bénite plant in 1983 as a production operator. I was a shift supervisor and had various different assignments, particularly in relation to on-the-job training. I joined the human resources department in 2001 as a training technician, and held that position until 2008, when I moved to my current job.

What is your job about?

My role is to ensure the correct match-up between the employee and the job, which is linked to policy of the plant and the Group's HR policy. I have to manage the staff, organize employee mobility, lead the hiring process, and deal with requirements in terms of work-study apprenticeship contracts, internships, and so on.

What is your typical working day like?

Administrative management, reporting, and a lot of back-and-forth with management and employees in the context of professional interviews and recruitment. On top of that, I have some outside assignments at forums, job fairs, or in training centers.

What skills does your job require?

You need a solid knowledge of employment and professional training regulations, as well as knowledge of payroll and staff administration.

What do you like about your job?

The diversity of my assignments, the contact with the plant's employees (all categories!), and my exchanges with people outside the company. What I would say about this job is simply that the years go by but no two are alike.

What do you like about Arkema?

I like the company's industrial performance and the attention that it pays to human resources management.

Something that describes your character?

I have a great love of music, which is good for listening skills!

Human Resources - Communication

The Human Resources and Communication departments play a key role in transmitting Arkema's values, both inside and outside the company.

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