Krystelle, operations manager and administration technician

What has been your career path?

With regard to my studies, my career path is not the typical one. I started with a vocational studies certificate as a car mechanic, and then graduated in bodywork painting. I followed that up with a vocational baccalaureate diploma in accounting, and then an advanced technician's certificate as an SME management assistant, which I did on a work-study program. After working as a temp for a while, I was hired as secretary to the personnel department in November 2001, at the Pierre Bénite facility. In April 2003, I was promoted to administration technician, again in the personnel department at Pierre Bénite. In 2008, I was transferred to the HR shared services center, still in the role of an administration technician. Then, in 2011, I was promoted to operations manager.

What is your typical working day like?

My daily work consists of managing the flow of requests from the HR departments and the employees and replying to them within a set time frame, including the urgent requests that come in. So you have to be very responsive and know how to prioritize.

What do you like about your job?

I never know what types of requests I will have to deal with over the course of the day. The work is not monotonous and I work with all the HR departments on questions relating to employment law, collective bargaining agreements, and company agreements.

What qualities do you bring to your job?

I am open, responsive, thorough, and I have a sense of customer service.

What do you like about Arkema?

Arkema trusted me. It is a group that has proven its capacity to grow and which never ceases to make progress.

Do you have an abiding memory from your job?

When I was managing personnel administration at the Pierre Bénite plant, I was also handling the employees' retirement files, whether in relation to CARSAT (the basic social security retirement pension) or retirement funds. The employees were very happy not to have to manage all that administrative paperwork and that their files were in order so they could receive their pensions. I often think back to one employee who gave me a huge, beautiful gypsum flower by way of thanks.

One of your qualities and one flaw?

I like when things are done well, but I speak my mind…

Do you have a motto in your work or life in general?

Bring a smile to work and, in my day-to-day life, do something that makes me happy!

Human Resources - Communication

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