To fulfil this requirement, Arkema supports the automotive sector, but also the aeronautics industry, by developing high performance thermoplastics as substitutes to glass or metal. The objective: to reduce the weight of structures and therefore help minimize their fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

Arkema focuses its innovation efforts on products that contribute to "Combat climate change and its impacts", one of the 17 UN's sustainable development goals (ODD 13).

A carmaker's dream is the same as a chemist's who would like to replace glass or metal with recyclable plastic. When you reduce a car's weight by 100 kg, you save about 0.4 liter of fuel for every 100 kilometers, or 5%, which is huge."

Lightweight materials: Arkema's innovations

Ultra high performance thermoplastics for transportation

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Thermoplastic composites, a genuine alternative to thermoset composites


Materials and resins for 3D printing


Carbon nanotubes and sturdy copolymers

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