
Welcome to the website, the corporate site of the “Arkema Group”, the companies publishing this site, namely Arkema and Arkema France, as well as their subsidiaries and affiliates, being referred to hereafter as the « Arkema Group ».

Use of this website implies your acceptance to be bound by its general terms and conditions of use.
These terms and conditions may change, so we suggest that you check back regularly to be aware of any such changes.

Public limited company with a share capital of €767,364,760
RCS Nanterre 445 074 685

Arkema France
Public limited company with a share capital of €270,035,923
RCS Nanterre 319 632 790 

Head Office address of both companies:
420 rue d'Estienne d'Orves
92700 Colombes
Tel: +33 1 49 00 80 80
Fax: +33 1 49 00 83 96

Managing Editor: Gilles Galinier

9, rue des Jeunes
1227 Acacias, Geneva

Graphics: Agence Oz&
Production: Ekino & Eurelis
Stock market data: SunGard Financial Systems

Information published on this website is provided for purely indicative purposes. This information is non-contractual.

The Arkema Group cannot guarantee that the information featured on the website is accurate, exhaustive or up to date. The Arkema Group shall not be held liable for any errors and/or omissions, unavailability of information, failure to update information and/or presence of viruses on its website.

Consequently, you assume the entire risk of relying on this information, and the Arkema Group shall not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of this information.

The Arkema Group reserves the right to alter the content of its site and these terms of conditions of use at any time and without notice.


The Arkema Group is the owner or is authorized to use all information and all elements featured on this site (texts, photos, images and sounds) (subject to copyright laws). Copies of all or part of this information and elements may only be made for information purposes and solely for strictly private use. Any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or transformation of all or part of this information and elements for other purposes is expressly forbidden. No license or right other than that of viewing the site and the information and elements featured therein, may be granted to anyone in respect of intellectual property rights.

A photo library dedicated to journalists is available on the website under the “Media tools” tab. Users of this photo library shall agree to quote the corresponding copyrights on the photos they choose to publish as set out in the « welcome » message that appears on visiting the photo library. Use of the photos featured in the photo library for any purpose other than to illustrate press articles shall be subject to a special request to Arkema’s Communication Division ([email protected]).


Distinctive signs

Unless otherwise stated, corporate names, trade names, logos and trademarks featured on the site are the property of ARKEMA FRANCE or its subsidiaries or affiliates. They may not be used without the prior express consent of their owner.


Hypertext links

Hypertext links on this site may lead users searching for information to other resources on the internet contained on other servers, over which the Arkema Group has no control. The Arkema Group shall not be held responsible for the content of these sites.

In no event may the Arkema Group be held responsible for the content of websites to which it provides links. These links are provided to users as a service. The decision to activate links shall be the exclusive responsibility of users.

Users and visitors to the website may not set up a hyperlink to the website without the prior express written consent of the Arkema Group.


Factors which could affect future results

The information may contain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial situation, results of operations, business and industrial strategy of the Arkema Group, and more broadly the Arkema Group. In particular, words such as “forecasts”, “expects”, “anticipates”, “targets” and other similar words or expressions, and the conditional tense are used to characterize forward-looking data. This includes, in particular, statements on the management’s targets, estimates and objectives concerning production and trends concerning operating results. Such forecasts are based on assumptions that could prove inaccurate, and are subject to risk factors such as changes in raw material prices, changes in the global economic environment, changes to applicable regulations, etc. Arkema, its subsidiaries and affiliates as well as their respective management and employees cannot guarantee that the information is error-free, nor may they be held responsible for the future accuracy of any opinions featured as part of this information.
Arkema, its subsidiaries and affiliates as well as their management shall not assume any obligation to update forecasts published on the website that may be required as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Further information on factors that could affect the financial results of the Arkema Group may be provided in the documents filed with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF).


Online sample request

The terms and conditions for sample deliveries shall be laid down at the discretion of Arkema Group personnel following examination of the nature of the request.


Searching for product information

The sole purpose of the “Product Finder”, “Product Range Datasheet” and “Product Datasheet” pages is to help users search and access descriptions of Arkema Group products. The customer shall bear sole responsibility for deciding on the suitable use of each product as well as complying with the laws and national regulations in force.


Applicable law

The website and these terms and conditions of use shall be subject to French law.


Photo and video credits

Thinkstock, Terre de Sienne, Alexis Chézière, Bruno Mazodier
