Crude oil can encounter a range of problems that risk hindering the flow along different installations and transport lines. Effective flow-assurance solutions manage the risks with fuel flow by providing crude demulsification, defoaming and deposit formation inhibition along the lines. Oil and Gas Solutions by Arkema’s flow assurance portfolio has been designed to provide excellent treating solutions, from emulsion breakers to paraffin and asphaltene control, and foam and scale or hydrate control application. Our range of solutions like Prochinor® range and Inipol® AD ensure that our Oil and Gas customers’ operating expenditures and profitability are optimized at every stage of the supply chain.

Learn more about Prochinor® range

Corrosion is one of the greater threats to the service life of oil and gas pipelines and adjacent facilities. Corrosive damage is caused by contact between the water phase of production and installations – in the case of a leak, such damage could incur steep financial and environmental costs. Our integrity management portfolio provides Oil and Gas customers with the best innovative and cost-effective solutions to curtail corrosive damage. Norust® corrosion inhibitors offer optimum protection irrespective of fluid characteristics or field conditions. Bactiram® biocides were developed for bacteria control during the production, processing and storage phases of the cycle. Our solutions are designed to protect oil and gas production assets from ultra-corrosive damage for durable operations of the facility.

Discover Bactiram® biocides

During the processing of natural gas, it is important to reduce and control the water content to ensure a safe production and transmission process. The combination of water and natural gas leads to the formation of solid particles that clog up valve fittings and even whole pipelines. Molecular sieve technology is used to dehydrate natural gas to low dew points. Siliporite® molecular sieves are available in a variety of sieve sizes to facilitate dehydration and sweetening solutions for the natural gas industry. Custom Siliporite® technical services offer loading assistance, on-site support and a range of optimization solutions.

Learn more about Siliporite® molecular sieves

Recent field studies have revealed that workers are exposed to high levels of respirable crystalline silica during the hydraulic fracturing process. When breathed in on a regular basis, the dust from silica sand has been shown to cause lung disease, lung cancer and other life-threatening conditions. SandTec® is a silica dust control proppant coating technology delivering a reduction in silica dust of up to 99%, dramatically reducing the risk of exposure for Oil and Gas personnel. A 100% bio-renewable and biodegradable solution, SandTec® does not interfere with well performance thanks to compatibility with hydraulic fracturing fluids.

Discover SandTec®
