In the face of this exceptional health and economic crisis that is calling upon the energy and the spirit of solidarity of each and every one of us, several of our products are being used directly in the fight against this virus, and our teams are making every effort to meet the surge in demand. Initiatives, including donations of product and equipment, are also being rolled out by our sites and facilities around the world.

09/04/2020 – Donation of alcohol-based solution to Arkema D1 football clubs and the Sport Dans La Ville association


As title sponsor of the Arkema D1, the Group has donated 20 liters of alcohol-based solution to every club in the Women’s D1.


The Sport Dans La Ville association, of which Arkema is a philanthropic partner, is also a beneficiary of such donation.


>> More information [in French]


05/15/2020 - Coatex donates Rhesolve T-900® to contribute the production of alcohol gel - Brazil


Coatex, an Arkema subsidiary, donates a Rhesolve T-900® barrel to UFSCAR (Federal University of São Carlos - Campus Sorocaba), in São Paulo. This product will contribute to the production of alcohol gel that is being distributed to public hospitals in Sorocaba and the region.

04/23/20 - The Jarrie site is running at full capacity to produce hydrogen peroxide - France


A number of our plants around the world, in China, in the United States and in Europe, currently produce hundreds of tons of hydrogen peroxide, a key product for the manufacture of alcohol-based gel and disinfectants.


One such example is our Jarrie plant, near Grenoble, which despatches the hydrogen peroxide by “lifeline pandemic trains” to the various sites where it will be used.


(The video on the side comes from French television)


If needed, you can watch the video on Facebook




04/10/20 – Donation of clear acrylic glass sheets to Matamoros hospital – Mexico


The Matamoros site, Mexico, has donated clear acrylic glass sheets to the city’s main hospital (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social - IMSS), to be made into shielding frames for patient intubation.


04/09/20 – Arkema stakeholders donate face masks - China


Arkema’s stakeholders in China (customers, officials, authorities, etc.) have donated several thousands of face masks for shipment to France.


>> Find out more [to Arkema China website]

04/09/20 - Sartomer supports the supply chain in the food and medical sectors - Europe and United States


Sartomer, an Arkema subsidiary, is rallying round to maintain the availability of its products (resins and varnishes) used in the packaging of food and medical products, to ensure their safety, quality and proper transportation.


>> Find out more [to Sartomer website]

04/08/20 – Bostik provides hand sanitizer for Australian community – Australia


Bostik started to produce hand sanitizer to hospitals and healthcare facilities across Australia. The sanitizer will also be available to the public via Australian major grocery and retail distribution partners nationally.


>> Find out more [to Bostik Australia]

04/07/20 – Putting up barriers to the virus and protecting people with clear acrylic sheeting - Europe


To protect both customers and cashiers in stores that remain open, Altuglas International has rallied round to meet the strong demand.


April – Donation of miscellaneous protective equipment – France


Several sites in France (Villers Saint-Paul, Carling, Feuchy, Honfleur, Mont, Genay, Balan, Serquigny, and more) have spontaneously rallied to donate protective equipment to nearby healthcare facilities.


Depending on the sites, this equipment includes masks, gloves, disposable gowns, safety goggles, caps, socks and even alcohol-based gel.

03/27/20 - Meeting demand for molecular sieves for breathing apparatus - France


The Honfleur plant produces molecular sieves; these are vital components of breathing apparatus for which there is currently a surge in demand. Hence, the teams are making every effort to best meet these needs.


>> Find out more [to - in French]


03/26/20 – Donation of hydrogen peroxide to hospitals – Germany


Our Leuna site, Germany, has donated one tonne of pharmaceutical grade hydrogen peroxide for the manufacture of sanitizing gel for neighbouring hospitals.



03/25/20 - The Arkema Group organizes and mobilizes - Worldwide

In response to the current situation, Arkema is organizing itself, in particular through strict observance of instructions given by government agencies, the protection of its employees, and the continuity of its activities and operations. The Group is employing every means to continue supplying its customers with its products, which are often key for many sectors, and therefore for the economy of the countries in which our plants operate.

>> Find out more

03/20/20 - Production of alcohol-based solution - France


Arkema has decided to repurpose a production line at its Rhône Alpes Research Center (CRRA), near Lyon, in order to manufacture 20 tons of alcohol-based solution per week to be distributed free of charge and as a matter of urgency to hospitals in France.


Our Jarrie plant, near Grenoble, supplies the hydrogen peroxide that is essential to its manufacture.


>> Find out more


01/31/20 - Donation of hydrogen peroxide - China


Arkema in China has donated 26 tonnes of hydrogen peroxide, used for its disinfectant properties, to the health system in the Hubei Province.


>> Find out more [to Arkema China website]
