• Product range

Dinoram® surfactants

Product overview

The Dinoram® surfactants are cationic rapid setting (CRS) emulsifiers for bitumen.

Geographic availability
  • Africa
  • Asia Pacific
  • Europe
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Middle East
  • Northern America
  • Oceania

Dinoram® is the well-known range of emulsifiers corresponding to rapid and quick settings bitumen emulsions. This range is formulated for spray grades such as :

  • Penetration prime coat

  • tack coat

  • surface dressings

It can also be used for mixing grades with medium settings as storable cold mixes.

  • Efficient a low dosage

  • Flexible for bitumen types and origin

  • Various applications covered


Surface dressing

Surface dressing, based on “cold binder” cationic bitumen emulsion, helps bond the chips on the support while sealing the road surface against water ingression. This application is used as a wearing course for new pavement but also for maintenance and water-proofing.

Prime coat

Prime coat is an introduction of hydrocarbon binder into a previously compacted non-stabilized pavement layer. Its role is to stabilize the surface aggregates of the compacted layer, to water-proof, to strengthen the cohesion and to prepare the lower layer for the wearing course application.



The penetration application is the insertion of a binder into a layer of macadam stones previously interlocked by rolling to create an adhesive film. Subsequently, aggregates are spread to fill the voids between the binder and the aggregates and alternate with several layers of bitumen emulsion. This technique is used for new pavements, mostly base courses but it is also suitable for renovating old pavements thanks to its ability to stabilize an untreated course.

Tack coat

Tack coats based on cationic bitumen emulsion are used primarily when applying a new layer of coated material for the maintenance or repair of an existing road surface. Their role is to prevent the various layers from sliding over each other within the structure and to form a single mass that will enhance the structure’s sustainability. Moreover, their use in new pavements helps to avoid failure due to slippage and distortion which significantly increases their life time by several years.


The penetration application is the insertion of a binder into a layer of macadam stones previously interlocked by rolling to create an adhesive film. Subsequently, aggregates are spread to fill the voids between the binder and the aggregates and alternate with several layers of bitumen emulsion. This technique is used for new pavements, mostly base courses but it is also suitable for renovating old pavements thanks to its ability to stabilize an untreated course.

Storable cold mix

This application is a cold mix which can be stored for several weeks, its production is similar to cold mixes but the formulation proportions are different. Storable open graded cold mix is used in maintenance to patch up potholes and similar localized damages from weathering and traffic.
